20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition?20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition? 20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition?

20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition?

How Belgian technology development can impact South-American communities 20th of November 2017 Film-Plateau, Paddenhoek 3 GENT 19h30. Doors open 19h00   Under the banner of promoting the ‘bio-economy’, scientists of the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) and Ghent University take part in a worldwide contest to genetically engineer trees in order...
Video:  GM poplars : another false solution to combat climate changeVideo : Waarom Genetisch Gemanipuleerde populieren een valse klimaatoplossing zijnVidéo : Pourquoi le champ de peupliers OGM est une fausse solution.

Video: GM poplars : another false solution to combat climate change

On the UN International Day of Forests, the Belgian action group Field Liberation Movement (FLM) published a new animated video that explains the flaws behind the GMO poplar tree field trial taking place in the Flemish countryside. The GM poplars have been modified to be weaker, as researchers hope this...
Send a Request for a Licence to Cut to the Flemish Minister Stuur ook een aanvraag voor kapmachting aan Joke SchauvliegeEnvoie une demande de permis d'abbatage à Joke Schauvliege

Send a Request for a Licence to Cut to the Flemish Minister

Request a licence to cut the floppy GE poplars grown on the test fields of the Flemish research institutes (VIB & ILVO) in Wetteren. You can add your personal details in the form at the right hand side of the screen. We will fill out the standardized form in and...
Video: Floppy genetically modified poplars join the debateVideo: Slappe genetisch gemanipuleerde populieren mengen zich in debatVidéo: les peupliers génétiquement modifiés faibles rejoignent le débat

Video: Floppy genetically modified poplars join the debate

Would you like to know a bit more about the floppy GM poplars, here is a video for you, in Dutch, with English subtitles.  
Action Video: "Joke, you may cut these trees"Actie Video: "Deze bomen mag je wél kappen, Joke"Vidéo de l'action: "Un permis d'abattage pour Joke"

Action Video: “Joke, you may cut these trees”

Short videoclip on the action of Sunday 20 of November in Wetteren, in the  field with genetically modified poplars of the VIB (Flemish Institute of Biotechnology) where activists planted a license to cut on the field for the Flemish Minister in charge, Joke Schauvliege.
Climate false solutions, no thanks!   Field Liberation Movement give permit to cut field trial of GMO trees to Flemish Environment Minister, Joke Schauvliege Valse klimaatoplossingen, neen bedankt! Veldbevrijd(st)ers van de Field Liberation Movement kennen kapmachtiging toe aan Joke Schauvliege voor genetisch gemanipuleerde bomen in WetterenLes fausses solutions climatiques, non merci!  Les libérateur.trice.s de champs du Field Liberation Movement accordent un permis d'abattage à Joke Schauvliege pour des arbres génétiquement modifiés à Wetteren

Climate false solutions, no thanks! Field Liberation Movement give permit to cut field trial of GMO trees to Flemish Environment Minister, Joke Schauvliege

  (Wetteren – 20th November 2016) At the end of the climate summit in Marrakesh, 20 activists from the Field Liberation Movement planted a “permit to cut” in a field of GMO poplar trees belonging to the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology. The permit was given symbolically to Joke Schauvliege, the...
The activists of the Field Liberation Movement  ask the ILVO to spend their compensation on truly inclusive and sustainable agriculture without patents, pesticides, or GMOs.Aardappel-activisten vragen ILVO om de betaalde schadevergoeding te besteden aan een écht solidaire en duurzame landbouw zónder patenten, pesticiden en GGO’s. Les militant-e-s  du  Mouvement de Libération des Champs demandent à l'ILVO de consacrer l'indemnisation versée à une agriculture véritablement solidaire et durable sans brevets,  pesticides ni OGM.

The activists of the Field Liberation Movement ask the ILVO to spend their compensation on truly inclusive and sustainable agriculture without patents, pesticides, or GMOs.

PRESS RELEASE On 23 December, the Ghent Court of Appeal reached a verdict in the trial against the 11 activists who, in 2011, participated in the “big potato exchange” of Wetteren. The activists were acquitted of the charge of belonging to a criminal gang. The court ordered them to pay...
Potato army landed in Ghent in the night from 6 to 7th of OctoberAardappelleger neergestreken in Gent in de nacht van 6 op 7 oktoberDébarquement d'une armée de patatistes à Gand dans la nuit du 6 au 7 octobre

Potato army landed in Ghent in the night from 6 to 7th of October

                        All strategic buildings and statues in Ghent have been occupied by potato-activists since last night. Especially official government and university buildings are targeted. The potatoes call for a general mobilisation for the upcoming potato trial, October 28th. They...
Keep Monsanto out of our universities!Keep Monsanto out of our universities!Keep Monsanto out of our universities!

Keep Monsanto out of our universities!

There is some serious evidence that a criminal gang may be gathering in Ghent on November 12th. Monsantos greed is a threat to agriculture, biodiversity and human health. Monsanto does not earn support by public universities. If there is one man representing Monsantos dubious activities it must be Robert Fraley....
Genetisch Gemanipuleerde Gewassen in Belgie: Zijn de universiteiten pro-GGO? Les OGMs arrivent en Belgique // Les universités sont-elles pro-OGM ?Genetically Manipulated Organisms in Belgium // Are the universities pro GMO?

Genetically Manipulated Organisms in Belgium // Are the universities pro GMO?

New Clip from Bruxelles Laïque (currently in French). An intriguing question: Are the universities pro GMO?
Latest entries

ALERT ! Publieksraadpleging veldproef GGO-CRISPR-Maïs

Het Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB) plantte vorig jaar een GGO-maïs veld aan zonder daarvoor de wettelijk geldende procedures te volgen! De overheid kneep daarbij niet alleen een oogje dicht, maar moedigde het VIB er zelfs toe aan. Nadat het Europese Hof besliste dat ook voor nieuwe GGOs de bestaande wetgeving gevolgd moet worden, werd het veld snel geregulariseerd.  ...
20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition?

20.11 debate : Monoculture (GE) tree plantations for a sustainable energy transition?

How Belgian technology development can impact South-American communities 20th of November 2017 Film-Plateau, Paddenhoek 3 GENT 19h30. Doors open 19h00   Under the banner of promoting the ‘bio-economy’, scientists of the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology (VIB) and Ghent University take part in a worldwide contest to genetically engineer trees in order to ease the conversion of...
(Nederlands) Actie : Joke, kap ermee! Jouw GGO-populieren zijn een valse oplossing!

(Nederlands) Actie : Joke, kap ermee! Jouw GGO-populieren zijn een valse oplossing!

(Nederlands) Chili: VIB doof voor protest van lokale gemeenschappen  bij Genetisch Gemanipuleerde Bomen-Conferentie

(Nederlands) Chili: VIB doof voor protest van lokale gemeenschappen bij Genetisch Gemanipuleerde Bomen-Conferentie

Sorry, this entry is only available in Nederlands.
Video:  GM poplars : another false solution to combat climate change

Video: GM poplars : another false solution to combat climate change

On the UN International Day of Forests, the Belgian action group Field Liberation Movement (FLM) published a new animated video that explains the flaws behind the GMO poplar tree field trial taking place in the Flemish countryside. The GM poplars have been modified to be weaker, as researchers hope this will enhance their ability to...
Send a Request for a Licence to Cut to the Flemish Minister

Send a Request for a Licence to Cut to the Flemish Minister

Request a licence to cut the floppy GE poplars grown on the test fields of the Flemish research institutes (VIB & ILVO) in Wetteren. You can add your personal details in the form at the right hand side of the screen. We will fill out the standardized form in and send it to minister Joke...
Video: Floppy genetically modified poplars join the debate

Video: Floppy genetically modified poplars join the debate

Would you like to know a bit more about the floppy GM poplars, here is a video for you, in Dutch, with English subtitles.  
Action Video: "Joke, you may cut these trees"

Action Video: “Joke, you may cut these trees”

Short videoclip on the action of Sunday 20 of November in Wetteren, in the  field with genetically modified poplars of the VIB (Flemish Institute of Biotechnology) where activists planted a license to cut on the field for the Flemish Minister in charge, Joke Schauvliege.

ES CP: Falsas soluciones para el cambio climático, no gracias!

Miembr*s del Field Liberation Movement adjudican un permiso de corte a Joke Schauvliege para cortar los árboles genéticamente modificados en un experimento de campo en Wetteren. (Wetteren, Bélgica – 20 de noviembre 2016) Al finalizar la cumbre sobre cambio climático en Marrakech, un*s 20 miembros del Field Liberation Movement (FLM) pusieron carteles con un permiso...
Climate false solutions, no thanks!   Field Liberation Movement give permit to cut field trial of GMO trees to Flemish Environment Minister, Joke Schauvliege

Climate false solutions, no thanks! Field Liberation Movement give permit to cut field trial of GMO trees to Flemish Environment Minister, Joke Schauvliege

  (Wetteren – 20th November 2016) At the end of the climate summit in Marrakesh, 20 activists from the Field Liberation Movement planted a “permit to cut” in a field of GMO poplar trees belonging to the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology. The permit was given symbolically to Joke Schauvliege, the Flemish Minister responsible for climate...
20.11.2016 GE trees False, Climate Solution - images

20.11.2016 GE trees False, Climate Solution – images

Send a license to cut to Joke!

Send a license to cut to Joke!